Lasts longer than Homan, sheds less than the Roll, is slightly larger than Red Devil, but I don't know what the comment above about 'scratching' glass is. I have been wooling glass for 22 years and have NEVER scratched any glass. Maybe you just made the amateur mistake fo not ASKING if they have the clear coat window film on the glass that is painted on, or you wooled plexi, vinyl or bulletproof like a newbie. .. Marvin glass is the softest glass and I wool it all the time with great results. My only complaint about this wool is that when I have 5-7 hours of work, it dies before I do and I am forced to grab another piece. If it were just a little bigger...
Takes a long time to rust. Better than another supplier. And way better than local hardware stores. I don't know what the other reviewer meant about scratching glass. I've never had that happen.