Unger Ninja Swivel T-bar

Unger Strip T'z T-Bar

Unger Ninja Swivel T-bar

Unger Strip T'z T-Bar

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Unger Ninja Swivel T-bar

Unger Strip T'z T-Bar

Ettore Aluminum Tubing Swivel T-Bar

If you weren't looking for a spectacular t-bar, then go ahead and leave this page. Otherwise, you've found quite the window cleaning gem here. The Unger Aluminum swivel t-bar is made with aluminum tubing, as the name suggests. But what the name doesn't suggest is that aluminum is a wonderful option when you're looking for a lightweight t-bar. From there, you can admire this t-bar's swivel handle. This allows you to reach those otherwise tough corners. While you're working on those corners, don't worry about this t-bar slipping out of your hand. You see, Unger designed this t-bar with a contoured handle for this exact reason. Still need a little convincing? This t-bar fits all Unger poles, but the added bonus is that it fits most other poles as well.

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