Triple Crown


Triple Crown T Rubber ® for T Shaped Channels - Dozen

$15.20 - $46.50 $16.00 - $67.50
Rubber - T Rubber ®
Rubber - T Rubber ®

Triple Crown


Triple Crown T Rubber ® for T Shaped Channels - Dozen

$15.20 - $46.50 $16.00 - $67.50

Subject to availability:

T-Rubber by the Dozen: 06", 08", 10", 12", 14", 16" 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 30", 36"

T-Rubber by the Gross 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 30", and 36"


Triple Ridge and Improved Formula

Get the job done right with this high quality rubber replacement!


With T Rubber ®, washing windows can be achieved at a lower price while still offering high quality results. This exceptional rubber cleans glass quickly and efficiently.

Customer Reviews
4 out of 5 stars
Based on 7 reviews
A window washer guy 10th Feb 2025

Triple crown 36 inch squeegee rubbers

I have been window washing for about 15 years I have used all kinds of squeegee rubbers. I have used competitors' T squeegees rubbers and Which cost quite a lot more. When using them on windows the high-end ones have a high-pitched screeching noise When washing the windows drives me crazy. These work much better when sliding across the windows and if you use slick it's like the windows have lube on them and almost clean themselves. I highly recommend these squeegees for all sizes of T squeegee

Ruben Otero 15th Jul 2023


Good product

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