New Building

We've purchased a new building!

Several months ago we got a call that our building had been sold. We thought it would be business as usual. Little did we know the new owner planned to use the building for themselves. They notified all of the tenants, including ourselves, that our leases would not be renewed. Our's was up in just a few months. We had every intention of renewing our lease, so we were totally unprepared for a move.

We immediately began a frantic search for a new home. We wanted to buy, but there wasn't much time. One month, and over 100 buildings later, we found something that was just right. Bigger than our current facility, it afforded us room to grow. It was recently built and in great condition. We decided to pull the trigger and begin the purchasing process.

There were times when we thought the paper work would never end. Every day we got calls from brokers, bankers, appraisers, inspectors, and the like. Finally, on 1/13/2011, we drove to the title company to sign the papers. We were exhausted from the previous months, but there was excitement in the air. We were getting ready to purchase a building! 

Chris, Linda and I arrived in the conference room to what turned out to be a somewhat anti-climatic meeting. I'm not sure what I expected, but I was surprised to find only one representative from the sellers, and one title company employee. We signed a mountain of papers, and 45 minutes later we were the proud owners of a new building.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's helped us get to this point. Having to move so suddenly has been one of the most difficult things this company has ever done. The support that the window cleaning industry has shown has been nothing short of astounding. Our moving sale has been the most successful sale ever at abc! Without your help, none of this would have been possible. The staff at abc extends a humble and sincere thanks. 

Now abc is better and stronger than ever. Over the next few months we will be moving and making the new facility operational. From there, who knows? One thing you can be sure of: we are here to stay! We'll continue to bring you the best service and value for as long as windows need to be cleaned.


Jacob Wallace